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Terms and Conditions

The Norwegian Maritime Museum uses an online payment solution for sales online. When you purchase services on www.marmuseum.no you also accept our terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please contact us. Contact info below.

Product information, prices and validity

The products and services described here are available for purchase. All prices are in NOK (Norwegian Kroner) and include VAT. The total price of your purchase will be presented before the transaction is completed, and will include all costs (fees, shipping, tax, etc.). There might be a fee required from your bank for card use.

Museum tickets purchased online, are valid 90 days from the time of purchase. Tickets are valid the day of visit when  validated in the visitors centre. Tickets purchased for an spesific event are valid only for the event. 


We take reservations of any misprint and information on our website. Please contact us if you have any questions. We will do our best to provide for you a successfull transaction.  

Dispach order and delivery

When your puchase is completed you will be sent back to our website for a summary, and your receipt will be available. You will also receive an e-mail with your receipt and ticket attached in PDF-format. This is your proof of purchase and must be shown at the visitors centre for validation.

The customer is responsible for giving the correct information in line of purchase. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail within reasonable time, please check your spam filter or contact us through phone or e-mail.

Personal information

The Norwegian Maritime Museum treats personal data according to Norwegian Law of personal information. Information that can be traced to your person will never be made available for other businesses or linked to other external records.

Card Information

The transaction is provided by Netaxept, a secure electronic payment solution for Visa and Mastercard/Eurocard. All information will be kept according to company regulations.

Complaint and refund

The customer must make sure that the product is correct. Make sure that you have the right amount of tickets, that the correct contact information is given, and that you save the receipt and confirmation e-mail. In case of any inadequacies of the product, a complaint must be forwarded to us within reasonable time. Purchased tickets will not be refunded.

Norwegian Maritime Museum

Norwegian Maritime Museum
Organisation number: NO 970010815 MVA
Visitor address: Bygdøynesveien 37, 0286 Oslo. Norway
Postal address: Norwegian Folk Museum, dep. Norwegian Maritime Museum, PB 720 Skøyen, N-0214 Oslo
Phone: (+47) 22 12 37 00
E-mail: fellespost@marmuseum.no

Museum24:Portal - 2025.01.07
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2